This package provides a Java/Kotlin client for Bloombox Cloud services. Integrators have the option of using this (or other language SDKs, like JS or Swift), or integration directly with the lower-level gRPC-based APIs.

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Specifies a unified Bloombox API client, that is capable of calling methods on any service exposed by the Bloombox Cloud Platform. This is accomplished by integrating with lower-level gRPC-based APIs. Under the hood, Protobuf is used over HTTP2. Services are lazy-loaded and maintain a live connection with a reasonable keepalive (10 minutes).


Specifies a Bloombox client error that is known and identifiable. This interface is implemented by service-specific error enumerations. Each enumeration must define properties to export its own domain, code, and message.


Exception object representing an error that occurred over-the-wire with a Bloombox Cloud API service. When a failure happens, it bubbles up through the underlying RPC machinery, is caught, decoded, and re-thrown as this exception. When invoking RPC methods, catch this exception, and use the embedded 'status' property to react accordingly.

Commercial order retrieval callback. Provides the response to a request to retrieve a commercial order's data by ID, and expects no return value.

Shop info RPC callback. Provides the response to a shop info retrieval operation and expects no return value.

Callback type that provides an asynchronous response to a menu retrieval request. Accepts a response value - a null response is itself considered an error - and provides no return value.

Menu API client. Provides access to menu/product catalog data for a particular partner and location pair. Menus can' be requested in full or section by section. By default, items marked as "invisible" are not returned - these are items considered out-of-stock or no longer carried by the partner. To retrieve all items, pass full as true.

Enumerates known or otherwise identifiable menu errors that might occur.

Error case callback type that handles ServiceClientException-compliant throwables. Accepts a compliant instance of ServiceClientException and provides no return value.

Callback to a simple telemetry ping, which warms an RPC connection and tests latency between the invoking client and the telemetry server. In some cases, a ping can also be used to establish default context information for a newly established streaming or unary telemetry session.

Shop API client. Provides access to digital storefront and vendor services. With this API, you can communicate with the Bloombox Shop service to retrieve shop info and hours, verify and enroll members, and submit and retrieve commercial orders, among other things.

Enumerates known or otherwise identifiable shop errors that might occur.

Error case callback type that handles ServiceClientException-compliant throwables. Accepts a compliant instance of ServiceClientException and provides no return value.

Commercial order submission callback. Provides the order submission status and the resulting order ID, if applicable, and expects no return value.

Telemetry API client, which allows developers to send telemetry event data to the Bloombox Telemetry service, so it may be considered with other built-in telemetry data during analytics and reporting calculations. Partners are also enabled to send their own arbitrary events and later perform analysis over them.

User/member verification callback. Provides user verification status and information about any error that occurred while performing verification. Expects no return value.

Zipcode check RPC callback. Provides the response to a zipcode delivery eligibility check and expects no return value.