interface ClientError
Specifies a Bloombox client error that is known and identifiable. This interface is implemented by service-specific error enumerations. Each enumeration must define properties to export its own domain, code, and message.
abstract fun message(): String
Error message to return or display. The service's error code is sent for this value. In rare circumstances, the name of the resulting gRPC status may be returned if no specific error status is available. |
abstract fun status(): Status
Underlying gRPC status code that resulted from this error. These error codes rougly map to HTTP errors, and can be found in gRPC's docs at |
class ClientException : Throwable, ClientError
Exception object representing an error that occurred over-the-wire with a Bloombox Cloud API service. When a failure happens, it bubbles up through the underlying RPC machinery, is caught, decoded, and re-thrown as this exception. When invoking RPC methods, catch this exception, and use the embedded 'status' property to react accordingly. |
enum class MenuClientError : ClientError
Enumerates known or otherwise identifiable menu errors that might occur. |
enum class ShopClientError : ClientError
Enumerates known or otherwise identifiable shop errors that might occur. |