bloombox /


Allows interaction with digital storefront features powered by Bloombox. Validate and enroll shop members, get info about the storefront (i.e. hours and open/closed status), submit and retrieve commercial orders, and so on.



class ShopClient : RPCClient, ServiceClient

Shop API client. Provides access to digital storefront and vendor services. With this API, you can communicate with the Bloombox Shop service to retrieve shop info and hours, verify and enroll members, and submit and retrieve commercial orders, among other things.


enum class ShopClientError : ClientError

Enumerates known or otherwise identifiable shop errors that might occur.

Type Aliases


typealias GetOrderCallback = (Response) -> Unit

Commercial order retrieval callback. Provides the response to a request to retrieve a commercial order's data by ID, and expects no return value.


typealias InfoCallback = (Response) -> Unit

Shop info RPC callback. Provides the response to a shop info retrieval operation and expects no return value.


typealias ShopErrorCallback = (ClientException?) -> Unit

Error case callback type that handles ServiceClientException-compliant throwables. Accepts a compliant instance of ServiceClientException and provides no return value.


typealias SubmitOrderCallback = (Response) -> Unit

Commercial order submission callback. Provides the order submission status and the resulting order ID, if applicable, and expects no return value.


typealias VerifyMemberCallback = (Response) -> Unit

User/member verification callback. Provides user verification status and information about any error that occurred while performing verification. Expects no return value.


typealias ZipcheckCallback = (Response) -> Unit

Zipcode check RPC callback. Provides the response to a zipcode delivery eligibility check and expects no return value.